હસી ફરી–
હસી ફરી–
આશ તારલી આજ રાતભર ઝાકળ થઈને ઝરતી
સ્વપ્નોની રંગોળી રોળી શ્યામ વાદળી વરસી
યૌવનના આંગણમાં ખીલી વેલી પ્રેમ સીચેલી
શરમાતી મલકાતી અર્પિત પૂર્ણ પણે વરેલી
એની આશે ક્ષ્વાસે ઝૂલી નરમી નેણ મીંચેલી
ત્રાપટ ઝાપટ વાગી ત્યારે ધ્રૂજતી એ ભીંજેલી
અણધારી આફત આવેલી વાછંટે વીંઝેલી
તણખલાના તીર તેવર ક્રુર કાંટેથી વીંધેલી
હૈયામાં એ હામ લઈને શક્તિ સહ જાગેલી
મમતાળી ડાળી ઓથારે હસતી ફરી ખીલેલી
નવા પ્રહરની ઝાકળ ઝીલી તૃપ્ત બની તરસેલી
હૈયામાં ઉમંગ લઈ નવસ્વપ્ન સજે શર્મીલી
Smile Again
My wonderful teacher, I send you this letter
To let you know that my life is much better.
As you know, I grew up in Syria
School and college were sheltered euphoria.
He was cute and pursued me for long;
I married him for love, thought together we belonged
I was overjoyed to come, guided by his ruling hand
I was happy in the hijab, timorous in this foreign land
Soon, my love was quite aloof; he had seen the dollar spoof
I was hurt and all alone, didn’t know what was going on!
He often slapped me here and there; I thought,“ he is just upset!”
I didn’t have anyone to tell, I kept the secrets very well.
He humiliated me more, asked for papers and passport,
I said, “No, no, you must leave.” He said, “Need you to deport.”
He waved the shiny knife, yelled and dragged me to the street,
I cried and begged him just to stop, couldn’t see a way to retreat.
The police took me to a bend, where I could barely comprehend.
They told me to call some shelter, a safe place;
“I want to see my mama’s gentle face.”
Lucky for me that you were there,
You kindly took me in your care.
You tended my broken, beaten life,
You stroked my tender, weeping heart.
You taught me how to get my rights
Find the freedom from the fights
I look forward to future sights
Out of the dark and into the lights.
I thank you, O’my teacher, as well as several other kind helping hands.
Your Happy Survivor
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True story/Written by Saryu Parikh,The Teacher. June 2009
Kathleen said,
August 19, 2009 @ 11:32 pm
My goodness! What a wonderful blog you have! You really have a way with words; all of the entries speak volumes. The first one is so powerful, and those about your grandchildren are so precious. Thanks for sharing Saryu. I miss you and hope all is well with you!