The World passes by
You sit in your narrow little corner and, Sulk
Love passes by
You sit in your narrow little corner and, Complain
Time passes by
You sit in your narrow little corner and, Connive
Peace passes by
You sit in your narrow little corner and, Frown
Joy passes by
You sit in your narrow little corner and, Demand
Nature passes by
You come out from your narrow little corner and, Realize
The Universe around, sings by
Saryu Parikh Austin, 6/09
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Dr. Hemendra said,
December 20, 2009 @ 5:28 pm
Life is ever bloom in abundance which u have unequivocally corroborated through your flawless poetry !
Infact we strive for the trivial matters and losses lovely phases of life..
We may realise belatedly but it would be 2 late to rehabilitate..and thus we loss 4ever!!
speech has no place while praising and words are crippled for I m yet to find a suitable goes without exaggeration !!
I m thankful to my frnd jagtap who sent me this wonderful art work..