Separation and Divorce

Posted in કાવ્યો by saryu on December 10th, 2018

Separation & Divorce

After many, many years, a piece of my flesh is being torn away.
I stand all alone in a totally deep void.

I am being blown away by a dark sand storm,
I resentfully refuse to hold fast to any norm.

The birds of my dream took flight in disarray,
As vehement wind vigorously pushed them away.

This turmoil in my head – will it ever stop?
Will there shine a star that gives me hope?

He came as a prince and turned out to be a pawn
It hurts to look back – still, why tempted to go back?

Before I collapse I must forge ahead,
If I try hard enough will I see a dim light?
Am I better off with him or without him?
The answer will come from my heart if ever it will heal.
Saryu Parikh
I have heard about these feelings. Fortunately, no experience of my own.

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