The flawless river flows forever
I think and believe I can see it forever
But I can never see the same river
Even if I try.
Life is like a runaway river,
Ever-changing and never slowing
Why pull against His wishes,
and hold on to worthless ashes?
No need to leave, No need to cling
The kith and kin are a short term myth
The force of the fleet will trick them away
The stream of time will split our ways
I hold up my head above it all
I’ve to be aware and widely awake
Remove the covers so I can swim
And the weight of wants don’t drag me down
We celebrate the Spring, the enchanting stream
The birth and progression; a miracle in motion.
The deep philosophy of a flowing river is compared with our ever-changing life.
Every thing turn, turn, turn . . .
Devika Dhruva said,
June 6, 2015 @ 7:47 pm
Very Nice.
We celebrate the Spring, the enchanting stream
The birth and progression; a miracle in motion.