Live or Leave

Posted in કાવ્યો by saryu on July 14th, 2013

Live or Leave

I have to leave.
I have to leave them, who mean the world to me.
The quivering feelings and teary eyes,
The fleeting thought of how to survive!

I see the world swirl around
with the same pace, with the same chase.
Here, the ice palace is melting in rain.

My feelings are steady and wisdom rises.
It’s okay to live or okay to leave.
The karma vibration has to cease.

My call will come. I may hesitate,
But my dearest says, “I will be fine,”
Assures me the rest will be fine.

In the tree of my life, the buds had bloomed
and fragrance had loomed.
This flower did bear the fruits to share.

The work is done.
In peaceful lull my life succumbs.


I may be singing this song after many years. A poet’s compassionate imagination.
♥ (Some of my friends were alarmed.)

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