सुफीया अंजली
लो आओ आज मीलावुं तुमको,नन्ही बेटी सुफीयासे
अभी अभी वो आई है, खुद ईश्वर अल्लाके घरसे—
ईसिलीये वो सोती रहेती, सारे दिन और रातोमे
शायद सूनती रहेती हैं, खोई परीयोंकी बातोमे—
क्या देखे वो क्या सोचे है, कैसे हम क्युं कर जाने
सपने देखे वो हंसती हो, क्या अपने क्या अनजाने—
टकटकती वो देखे मांको, मधुर मधुर जो मुस्काये
नरम नरम हाथोसे पकडे, सब ऊलजन मां सुलजाये—
भैया शानसे चढकर बैठा, है पापाकी गोदीमे
देखो क्या तुफान उठे, जब ये भी बैठे गोदीमे—
जब जी चाहे सोये जागे, दुध पीये या तो रोये
जो मन चाहे खेल रचाये, सबके दिलको बहेलाये—
“संगीता-मृदुलकी बेटी, केतनकी बहेन, हमारी पोती”
Sufiya Anjali
Let me introduce you to our sweet little Sufiya
Who has just arrived from the house of Ishwar-Allah
The reason she has been sleeping Day and night
May be that she is listening to the unfinished stories of the Angels
What is she observing or hearing, how can we know?
Thinking of her dreams, she maybe smiling, to us it is unknown
She stares at her mother, who is sweetly smiling at her
Who holds her with gentle hands and resolves all the problems
Look at her brother who is sitting so smugly in the Papa’s lap
let’s see what storm arises when she also sits in his lap
Whenever she feels like it, she sleeps, wakes up, drinks milk or cries
Whatever she chooses to do, it pleases our hearts
—- Sangita-Mridul’s daughter, Kethan’s sister and our granddaughter—-
વિશ્વદીપ બારડ said,
May 19, 2009 @ 10:51 pm
जब जी चाहे सोये जागे, दुध पीये या तो रोये
जो मन चाहे खेल रचाये, सबके दिलको बहेलाये—
such a beautiful poem for grand daughter..she is a beautiful angel.